В статье рассмотрен генезис цензуры, проанализированы отличительные характеристики работы цензурных ведомств в царское время и СССР. Доказано, что в дореволюционный период преобладала предварительная цензура, запрещались произведения до выхода их в свет. Это позволяло контролировать публикуемые материалы и предотвращать распространение инакомыслия. В Советском Союзе в основном действовала карательная цензура, предполагающая наказания авторов, вплоть до репрессий. Наряду с этим, продолжала функционировать предварительная цензура, но она имела латентный характер. Несмотря на всемогущественность контроля над произведениями и авторами в советское время, цензура всё же не могла полностью остановить развитие культурного дискурса, влекшего за собой скрытое сопротивление и подпольное творчество (самиздаты). В статье приведены примеры разных методов карательной цензуры в СССР, рассмотрено такое явление как доносы, пользовавшиеся необычайной популярностью среди советских граждан. Новизна статьи заключается в анализе механизма контроля массмадиа в дореволюционное и советское время с помощью культурно-исторического подхода. Эмпирической базой стали научные работы по данной тематике, дневники цензоров, статьи в самих средствах массовой информации.
The goal of this paper is to describe some aspects of one type of corruption - judicial corruption - and to minimize it by introducing into practice new legal provisions and digital technologies. The experience of some states, including Kyrgyzstan, in the use of digital technologies for minimizing corruption has been summarized in the paper. Also, the reasons have been provided for active development of new areas for anticorruption efforts by introducing digital technologies. According to the authors, digitalization can increase openness, public disclosure and transparency significantly, reveal corruptogenic ties, schemes and relationships, and optimize the anti-corruption efforts by the state. The research materials can prove useful for law enforcement agents who are working in corruption prevention, as well as for the general public interested in corruption problems.
A specific nature of foreign economic relations determines a need for the generation of a new approach to the structure of its legal regulation. Its specificity is that the legal regulation of the aforementioned relations is formed in the context of various spheres of public life and branches of law. Relevant issues of judicial practice regarding litigations resulted from foreign economic transactions are examined in the paper. The research is based on the objective dialectic method of cognition of legal phenomena and procedures related to the selected topic and of the examination of their interconnections. Besides, the research is based on general scientific methods: analysis, synthesis, historical and logical methods, generalization, abstraction, system analysis, modelling and others. Currently, the national economy obviously tends to develop in a sinusoidal manner. It requires considering the possibility (in the frameworks of development of the intersectoral institute of foreign economic law) of using a chance to improve the mechanism of legal regulation in the field of state control over the external economic activities with a focus on judicial practice. The conducted research develops and specifies a theory of intersectoral linkages in respect to the relations in question. As a result of the conducted research, a unique legal regime of intersectoral functional legal institute of foreign economic law is established to change more prominently with the transformation of legal and objective realities.
The problem of protecting the labor rights of workers definitely attracts the attention of labor /scientists not only within the framework of national legal, but also cross-border legal field. Thus, new issues arise in this area during the unification of labor legislation within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union. If the jurisdictional ways of protecting labor rights are to some extent developed within the framework of the national legal order of the member states of the Union, then the institution of self-defense is deprived of the attention of the legislator in these legal orders. In this regard, it seems important to analyze such a way of protecting rights as self-defense, guided not only by the ideas of the national development of the institute in the legislation of the Eurasian Economic Union member countries, but also its implementation within the framework of Union labor law. This work, as a scientific try to study the institute of self-defense by employees of their labor rights in the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union, takes as its basis a comparative legal scientific method. Applying this method, we can conclude that the legal model of self-defense of employees of their labor rights can be unified due to the uniform understanding of its nature by the legislation of most of the member countries of the Eurasian Economic Union. Nevertheless, the defective and obviously insufficient elaboration of the regulation of labor and legal self-defense in the studied legal systems shows a number of practical and theoretical problems that will ultimately affect the consolidation of such a legal model1 within the framework of the Eurasian Union labor law. In this regard, it seems important to present a single legal definition of self-defense, comprising the fundamental features of this method of protection. The adoption of such a term will allow to form a uniform understanding not only among labor scientists, but also among law enforcement agencies, and will serve as a starting point for the further development of the institute of self-defense in the Eurasian Economic Union.
Introduction. Only a few out of the more than 200 known Lactobacillus species have been consistently and repeatedly associated with the human gastrointestinal tract. This number has recently been increased to more than 50 Lactobacillus species that have been repeatedly detected in the stools of healthy volunteers, including L. casei, L. plantarum, L. rhamnosus, etc. Some of them (e.g. L. rhamnosus) are rarely isolated from environments outside the intestine and are considered gut-autochthonous microorganisms. The level of lactobacilli can change in such disorders as diabetes mellitus, Crohn’s disease, inflammatory bowel disease, and others. Few studies have been conducted on the distribution in young residents in the northern territories.
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The construction of the fi rst high-speed railway in Russia is long overdue. Such a project would be an organic continuation and a new turn in the one and a half century history of Russian railway workers’ struggle to increase train speeds on the country’s railways.
Представлены результаты исследования условий синтеза графена и систем на его основе без использования подложек при конверсии жидких и газообразных углерод-содержащих материалов в гелиевой, азотной или аргоновой плазме, генерируемой электродуговым плазмотроном, при пониженном давлении. С помощью комплекса физико-химических методов установлено, что при синтезе в объеме морфология графена имеет вид смятой бумаги. При изменении геометрии проточной части реактора без использования подложек формируется структура гидрированного графена. Использование азотной плазмы позволяет получить графен, допированный атомами азота или меди. При добавлении спиртов в плазму аргона или гелия происходит синтез термически стабильного окисленного графена. Сделан вывод о возможности применения плазменных условий для одноступенчатого синтеза графеновых материалов.
Эта работа посвящена применению ансамблевых и нейросетевых методов машинного обучения, в частности методов CatBoost и LightGBM и сверточных нейронных сетей, для прогнозирования ВВП. В исследовании используется база винтажных данных, что позволяет выявить влияние пересмотров статистической информации на точность моделей. Полученные нами результаты показывают, что комбинации нейросетевых методов сохраняют прогнозное преимущество по сравнению с эталонными моделями – авторегрессией первого порядка, динамической факторной моделью и байесовской векторной авторегрессией – на панели стран, в том числе в периоды, включающие пандемический кризис, на предварительных и пересмотренных данных. Согласно эконометрическому тесту на доверительное множество моделей, к числу наиболее точных методов прогнозирования ВВП относятся сверточные и рекуррентные нейронные сети. Пересмотры статистических данных приводят к росту среднеквадратической ошибки эталонных моделей, ансамблевых и нейросетевых методов машинного обучения.
Objective: to evaluate the immediate and long-term outcomes of revision total knee arthroplasty using porous metaphyseal sleeves and cones.
Materials and Methods. The study included 134 patients who underwent revision total knee arthroplasty. The patients were distributed among two groups based on the type of metaphyseal fixator: sleeves (Group I, n=97 patients) and cones (Group II, n=37 patients). Surgical outcomes were assessed upon discharge from the hospital (after the hospital stay of 7-12 days), as well as after 6, 12 and 24 months after surgery. The survival rate of endoprostheses was analyzed using the Kaplan–Meier method. A revision with total replacement of the endoprosthesis or its components was considered a critical event.
Results. The analysis of the survival rate of endoprostheses in the form of various metaphyseal fixators showed that the groups of sleeves and cones did not differ statistically significantly as suggested by the logrank test (Mantel–Cox): p=0.108. Conclusion. The midterm follow-up revealed no difference in clinical, functional, or radiological outcomes of revision total knee arthroplasty performed for types 2A, 2B, and 3 of bone defect replacement (sensu Anderson Orthopaedic Research Institute classification) using trabecular metal metaphyseal cones vs. sleeves.
Objective: to evaluate the activity of oxidative stress in rats with stepwise incomplete cerebral ischemia (SICI). Material and methods. Experiments were performed on 24 male outbred rats weighing 260±20 g, allocated into 3 subgroups (6 animals in each) based on time of ligation of both common carotid arteries (CCA). The control group comprised of sham-operated rats of the same sex and similar weights (n=6). To identify the pro-oxidant–antioxidant state of the brain based on its homogenates, the activity of lipid peroxidation processes, the content of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), the concentration of reduced glutathione (GSH), total thiol groups (TSH), and the activity of glutathione peroxidase were determined.
Results. SICI with ligation interval of both CCAs of 1 day and 3 days led to a significant decrease in the total SH groups of proteins and glutathione by 30% (p=0.038) and 46% (p=0.044), respectively, TBARS concentration by 29% (p=0.038) and 31% (p=0.043), respectively. SICI with the maximum interval between CCA ligations was manifested by less pronounced changes in the pro-oxidant–antioxidant state of the brain.
Conclusion. In SICI with ligation of both CCAs 7 days apart, at which histological changes were the least pronounced, changes in the pro-oxidant–antioxidant balance were insignificant. The most pronounced disorders of the pro-oxidant–antioxidant balance in the brain were observed in the subgroup with the minimum interval between CCA ligations, which implied the highest activity of oxidative stress.
The article examines the crusades and integration processes in Europe in the period of XI–XIII centuries on the basis of Russian and foreign historiography.
In conclusion, the author notes that the crusades, which initially were the “military-integrative expansion” of the Europeans, increasingly turned into a purely aggressive campaign, gradually losing the spiritual basis under the leadership of the papacy, which began the period of decline. Contemporaries of the crusades were skeptical about these military-religious expeditions. The Reformation of the XVI century put an end to the Christian republic of scientists, which Erasmus of Rotterdam dreamt of. There came a time when, along with the religious integration, purely political unions were also being formed, joined by the opponents who were difficult to be imagined together (for example Francis I and the head of the “true believers”, the Turkish sultan).