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Prospects for further development of logistics and trade in Central Asian Countries (2024)
Выпуск: № 3, Том 3 (2024)
Авторы: Белозеров Владимир Леонидович, Кобесов Канат Керимович, Куренков Пётр Владимирович, Зотова Елизавета Вячеславовна

This paper examines the conditions of foreign trade of the Central Asian countries and their impact on economic growth. Currently, the transport corridors of Central Asia are at the peak of their demand. The current positive changes and achievements of the region are considered. Attention is drawn to the geopolitical trends that create conditions for the development of alternative transport corridors and infrastructure projects. Special attention is paid to improving transport connectivity. It is proposed to develop transit and transport potential and increase the production of fi nished products. The comprehensive analysis carried out in this work allows us to take a broader look at the potential of the region and propose measures for its full development. Due to the growing role of Central Asia in the international arena, this paper also examines the impact of foreign policy on the development of the region’s economy. The strategic location of Central Asia between China, Russia, Iran and other countries makes the region an important partner in international trade and transport links. The paper analyses the current positive developments in the region, such as the creation of new transport corridors, the development of logistics infrastructure and the strengthening of trade relations with other countries. Special attention is paid to projects for the development of regional integration and economic unions, which contribute to improving competitiveness and economic stability in Central Asia.

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